Leoni Kojetin

Nuts for Australian native, the humble macadamia
As industry development manager for the Australian Macadamia Society, Leoni Kojetin is familiar with industry best practices for sustainability, innovative research and cutting-edge techniques to improve production.
Leoni says Australian macadamias are viewed as a premium product around the world, “thanks to the commitment of Australian macadamia growers to clean, green, sustainable production and world’s best practices".
"Macadamias are also native to Australia, grown in their original home.
Leoni will visit South Africa – the world’s largest producer of macadamias.
"More than 80% of Australian macadamias are exported all over the world, however one of our main challenges lies in the fact we are competing with developing countries that have very low costs compared to us.
"To remain viable, we need new, cost-effective, agronomically sound and sustainable practices."
Investor Information:
The RAS Foundation, the charitable arm of the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW (RAS), was created in 2007 with a mission to support the development of sustainable and resilient regional and rural communities in Australia. Together with generous donations from supporters, the Foundation provides community grants and educational scholarships to promote individual and community growth.
To date, the RAS Foundation has supported over 850 rural scholarship students to reach their educational dreams and awarded vital community building funding to 180 organisations.
Website: www.rasnsw.com.au/foundation