
Harry Perkins Public Fund

Sponsored by ;The Commonwealth Bank, Rural Press Limited ;and ;Wesfarmers.

The Harry Perkins Australian Nuffield Farming Scholars Public Fund ;provides a capital base for the Australian Nuffield Farming Scholarship Program. The scholarships benefit the Australian community by enabling dynamic young Australian farmers to travel internationally, expand their personal horizons and learn from leading agriculturalists from around the world.

The Foundation will provide a capital base for the Australian Nuffield Farming Scholarships. It will be prudently managed as an investment fund, with earnings used to support scholarship infrastructure and underpin the annual scholarship program.

Since the first Australian Nuffield Farming Scholarships were awarded in 1950, almost 400 Australian farmers have undertaken Nuffield Scholarships and all have made significant personal contributions to the development of Australian agriculture and regional development. Nuffield is meeting its objectives and that through their achievements, Nuffield Scholars collectively help build the social capital of Australian agriculture and the nation.

By building an enduring financial base for the Nuffield Farming Scholarship program, generation after generation of Australians with a passion for farming, a vision for their productive futures and the drive to make it happen will be given this unique learning experience. ;

A message to potential investors

Australian rural communities ;face their biggest challenge ever. How will they retain their young people to manage Australia’s rich agricultural resources in the face of declining community services and career opportunities? ;The long term effect is devastating. For all their resilience, rural communities face a bleak future if future generations continue to choose to find their ways elsewhere.

The solution lies in encouraging our most talented, capable and creative young farmers to see the opportunities available to them in the global agricultural marketplace. External forces such as globalisation of markets, application of information and communication technologies and advances in biotechnology are creating challenges and opportunities which Australian farmers are well positioned to gain from. Understanding these changes and being able to seize the opportunities are the key attributes required to drive Australian agriculture forwards and begin rebuilding the social infrastructure of our rural communities.

The Nuffield Farming Scholarship program does exactly this. It invests in the “human capital” of Australian agriculture by developing well-informed, visionary agriculturalists to lead their industries into the future.

If you value the role of Australian agriculture in Australia’s social and economic development, if you are concerned about the decay of rural communities and if you would like to give something to the development of young Australians who will repay that gift many times over through their intelligent, creative and persistent endeavours, we urge you to consider making a contribution to the Australian Nuffield Farming Scholarship Foundation. You will be continually amazed, inspired and made to feel proud of the talent and achievement your contribution has fostered.

Gifts to the Harry Perkins Fund ;

A gift to the ;Harry Perkins Australian Nuffield Farming Scholars Public Fund ;is an investment in the future of Australian farming.

The Nuffield Australia Farming Scholars Foundation is recognised by the Australian Taxation Office as a tax-deductible gift recipient. This means that gifts to the Foundation are fully tax deductible to the donor.

The Nuffield Australia Foundation is an efficient and effective way to give to the future of Australian farming. It has been established to provide a capital base to develop the organisation’s infrastructure, which in time will foster the continued expansion of the program on a sustainable basis. Funds contributed to the Foundation will be prudently managed as an investment fund, with earnings used to underpin the future growth of the scholarship program.

The Nuffield Australia Foundation will gratefully receive gifts large and small, and special arrangements can be made for those who might prefer to make the Nuffield Australia Farming Scholars Foundation a beneficiary of their estate.

For further information or to arrange a confidential complimentary discussion please contact ;Jodie Redcliffe.