2025 Nuffield Scholar

Tarun Richards

Sharing costs and benefits of ESG reporting

Tarun Richards, co-owner of Humpty Doo Barramundi, will investigate ways for farmers to share the costs and benefits of environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting with the supply chain and first nations communities.

Her scholarship is generously supported by ANZ and the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)

“In coming years, Australian companies will be required to report to government on ESG activities within their supply chains,” Tarun said.

“The risk and cost of this compliance will be borne by farmers, at their cost, to enable corporate entities to meet their obligations."

“The veracity of these activities will also be scrutinised, as corporates avoid accusations of ‘greenwashing’ and ‘black cladding’.”

Tarun said there is additional opportunity to work with first nations communities who seek to engage in farming, but lack the skills and infrastructure to do so.

She said there are a number of opportunities for farmers in the north, including:

Working with the supply chain to define suitable ESG solutions, rather than having them imposed;

Engaging with first nations communities to share farming knowledge;

Creating a strong farmer-customer relationship that extends beyond the purchase transaction; and

The opportunity for farmers to develop positive social and environmental outcomes.

Tarun hopes to leverage her contacts within Australia for her study, engaging with many large agribusinesses, as well as travelling to Brazil, New Zealand, Canada and Africa.

Tarun’s family business, Humpty Doo Barramundi, is Australia's largest family owned and operated aquaculture farm.

The operation reuses water with minimal discharge into the adjacent river.

Humpty Doo Baramundi grows saltwater barramundi, selling around 110 tonnes each week across Australia.

For Humpty Doo Barramundi, good ESG is not restricted to reporting. Rather, it’s about real action on the ground.

Investor Information:

The Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) is a co-funded partnership between the Australian Government and fisheries and aquaculture. FRDC is a statutory corporation under the Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 (the PIRD Act) and is responsible to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

Website: www.frdc.com.au

Facebook: @FRDCAustralia

Instagram: @frdc_au

ANZ has banked Australian Agribusiness since 1865 and is a proud supporter of the industry. Through the provision of insights and financial solutions, ANZ looks forward to continuing the work with our customers and industry to meet the growing global demand for safe, premium quality food and fibre, which the industry is well positioned to deliver.

Website: https://www.anz.com.au/

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