Krystal Caton

Scholarship to see lychee industry thrive
Lychee grower, Krystal Caton, has been awarded a scholarship, supported by the Viertel Charitable Foundation, to explore post-harvest opportunities for lychees.
Krystal, along with her husband Paul, owns Lush Lychees, a thriving 140-hectare property near Rockhampton.
Their orchard, home to 5000 mature trees producing 100 tonnes annually, has expanded with an additional 4000 trees expected to bear fruit by 2025.
Krystal’s scholarship will allow her to travel the globe, including destinations like Vietnam, India, Mexico, and Taiwan, to study international lychee production and attend relevant conferences.
Having already visited China, Canada, and New Zealand to gain insights into their lychee industries, she is keen to further her research and identify strategies to help the Australian lychee industry thrive.
Australia’s lychee industry, once a small exotic fruit sector, has evolved into a progressive and robust industry, producing approximately 3000 tonnes annually, with production expected to continue growing.
Given this anticipated growth, Krystal has emphasised the need to explore and develop post-harvest opportunities to ensure the industry’s continued growth and economic sustainability.
As an educator, mother, and first-generation farmer, Krystal balances her love for teaching with her passion for agriculture.
During lychee harvest season, she meticulously oversees the pack shed operations, ensuring lychees are prepared for both export and domestic markets.
Her social media expertise allows her to connect with the community, while she also welcomes local visitors to experience the freshness of summer fruit at the farm gate.
Krystal is dedicated to lifelong learning, driven by her teaching background, and is eager to share her insights with others.
She believes that becoming a Nuffield scholar is not just about gaining knowledge but also about sparking conversations, fostering collaboration, and driving positive change in farming practices.
Through this scholarship, she aims to deepen her understanding of the global lychee industry and explore new opportunities to ensure the long-term sustainability and profitability of the Australian lychee industry.
Investor Information:
Charles Viertel established the Sylvia and Charles Viertel Charitable Foundation in his Will. The Foundation was established for the benefit of charity; in particular, to benefit organisations or institutions involved in medical research into diseases, and the alleviation of hardship of the aged and the sick.
Charles also directed that money be given to charities with low administrative expenses. Other than its funding for medical research the Foundation almost exclusively directs its funding to Queensland-based charitable organisations or for the benefit of the Queensland community.
Website: www.viertel.org.au