Campbell Chesworth

Looking to circularity to drive resilience and profitability for Australian dairy
Australia’s dairy industry is no stranger to economic and climatic challenges, however Campbell Chesworth sees an opportunity to build sustainability into farms’ bottom lines by embracing circular economy innovations.
Campbell is well versed in the dairy supply chain, splitting his time between working for The Little Big Dairy Company and the Chesworth Dairy Partnership at Rawsonville, near Dubbo, NSW.
He receives a scholarship supported by the RAS Foundation (RASF).
“There is increasing consumer and regulatory demands of all Australian livestock industries,” Campbell said.
“To retain its right to farm, Australian dairy will be required to adopt innovative on-farm strategies to meet these welfare and sustainability expectations.”
Campbell said dairy has a history of leading industry change and is often at the forefront of embracing new technologies and ways of working.
“In recent years, dairy at a global level has started to embrace interventions to reduce, reuse and recycle farm inputs, leading to reduced costs and yielding financial and conservation benefits.
“I’m looking forward to studying how circular economy innovations can pave the way for a more resilient, profitable and sustainable Australian dairy industry.”
Campbell hopes to travel to Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Canada and the United States of America to research topics as varied as dry aged dairy, biogas and drought resilience.
Campbell said, in business, his family values seeking out the small improvements that can be made every day.
“A Nuffield scholarship will mean getting out of the daily routine and learning how others in the dairy industry across the globe approach those small incremental improvements.”
The Chesworths’ businesses are a vertically integrated family dairy farm, with control of the supply chain from paddock to end consumer.
Manufacturing happens on-farm, using milk from their herd of Holstein dairy cows to produce 12 million litres of milk each year.
Little Big Dairy distributes throughout regional and metropolitan NSW and the ACT.
Investor Information:
The RAS Foundation, the charitable arm of the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW (RAS), was created in 2007 with a mission to support the development of sustainable and resilient regional and rural communities in Australia. Together with generous donations from supporters, the Foundation provides community grants and educational scholarships to promote individual and community growth.
To date, the RAS Foundation has supported over 850 rural scholarship students to reach their educational dreams and awarded vital community building funding to 180 organisations.
Website: www.rasnsw.com.au/foundation
Campbell is also supported by NSW alumni through the NSW branch of Nuffield Australia.