2025 Scholarship
Red Meat Industry Scholarship
Research ideas:
- Increased efficiency of animal production, higher profits for producers and an overall increase in on-farm animal welfare and consumer perceptions of welfare
- Increased productivity of the feed base – better plants, better management and utilisation of forage
- Improvement in reproductive efficiencies for breeder herds / flocks through delivering higher survival rates between conception and weaning
- Improved connectivity options for use of digital technologies and developing digital information products and dashboard decision tools/guidelines to provide informed and predictive management systems
- New products, packaging and business model innovations to transform commodity red meat (and its components) into higher valued solutions
- Improvement in technologies that measure key traits to describe carcase value, such as lean meat yield and eating quality, and health attributes
- GHG emissions avoidance (feed additives, forages and genetics) and carbon storage (pastures and trees, grazing management)