Nicholas Krebs

Nuffield Australia 2020 Scholarship winner
Nicholas Krebs from Moura, Queensland, receives a Nuffield Scholarship supported by Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA). He will investigate new ways to attract and retain more people into beef enterprises and help position the industry as a long-term career choice.
Nicholas is currently the Aggregation Manager of ‘Pegunny’ for Hewitt Cattle Australia, a role that sees him manage four adjoining cattle properties in Central Queensland, including 10,000 head of cattle across 26,300-hectares and 2,400-hectares of dryland cropping.
“Farm businesses know the importance of finding and retaining the right staff. To achieve this, we need to promote the diversity of roles within our industry, as well as adopt new technologies and approaches to foster a vibrant and professional working culture.”
“While other countries have held onto their traditional ways, Australia needs to be on the front foot with innovation if it’s to successfully attract young people into agriculture. Whether it’s a role in science, sales or out in the field, the opportunities for a long-term career in agriculture are endless.”
Throughout his study program, Nicholas plans to travel to North, Central and South America, as well as European countries that are utilising a range of methods and technologies to attract, retain and secure their agricultural workforce.
Investor Information:
Meat & Livestock Australia Limited (MLA) delivers marketing and research and development services for Australia’s cattle, sheep and goat producers.
Website: www.mla.com.au
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