Jarrod Amery

Nuffield Australia 2020 Scholarship winner
Jarrod Amery of Forbes in New South Wales, received a Nuffield Scholarship supported by the Grains Research & Development Corporation (GRDC). He has been researching what it takes to build and maintain a successful farm business and achieve a sustainable Return on Assets Managed (ROAM).
As owner of Amery Ag, an innovative 2,300-hectare farming operation in Central West NSW, Jarrod produces wheat, canola and barley, and manages around 4,000 ewes as part of the business’s annual livestock trading program.
“We strive to make every hectare work; earning the right to expand our business. As a young farmer myself, and with a quarter of the agricultural workforce between 18 to 35, there is a need to equip our future farmers with the tools to grow their businesses and the industry as a whole,” Jarrod said.
“On my study program, I wanted to visit leading farm businesses around the world, to understand the common threads of success, including how to achieve a sustainable work/life balance, pathways to expansion and diversification, as well as how to encourage new entrants into farming.”
Travelling throughout major agricultural producing countries, including China and the United States, Jarrod has been sharing some of his findings with peers at the 2022 Nuffield National Conference, to help build a culture within Australian farming that promotes entrepreneurship and knowledge sharing.
Investor Information:
GRDC is one of the world’s leading grains research organisations responsible for planning, investing in and overseeing research, development and extension to deliver improvements in production, sustainability and profitability across the Australian grains industry.
Website: www.grdc.com.au
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