2016 Nuffield Scholar

Luke Mancini

Nuffield Australia 2016 Scholar

Luke Mancini, from Whitton in New South Wales, received a Nuffield Scholarship supported by the Australian Grape and Wine Authority. He has studied industry participants, marketing techniques and challenges for wine grapes in warm climates and irrigated areas.

Luke is involved in his family’s mixed enterprises that include vineyards, olive groves, winter cereals and summer row cropping.

He says one of the challenges faced by the wine grape industry is having each participant understand their exact contribution and how grape growers need other participants in the industry to maintain a competitive edge.

“Part of my study included looking at the background to the Australian wine industry, the role of main industry participants, pricing, marketing techniques and challenges with water, varietals and reputation”.

“I believe one of the great opportunities we have in this area is to increase collaboration between growers, winemakers and winery owners and in the longer term, to work with bodies like CSIRO to promote the environmental, agronomic and marketing virtues of Australian wine grapes.”

“A goal is to encourage grape growers to identify their contribution to the industry and how they fit within it. I also hope to gain a better perspective of my own operation and develop ideas and initiatives that will benefit the entire industry.”

Luke traveled to parts of Australia, Europe, South America and the USA.

Investor Information:

Wine Australia

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