Don Madden
Don Madden is a 2010 scholar and co-owner and director for Smithfield Cattle Company Group, a family business operating in beef cattle lot feeding, exports, logistics, property development and management. Don is a former Qld State Chair and has participated in selection interview panels. Don has been active in the feedlot industry for 25 years through the Australian Lot Feeders Association (ALFA) making notable contributions to setting the strategic vision for the industry as well as important R&D projects. He was also instrumental in the implementation of the first Trainee Manager program for the industry and mentored several young people over the years. Don has also completed the The Executive Program for Agricultural Producers (TEPAP) course in Texas, USA. Don fundamentally believes in Nuffield’s core value proposition of inspiring passion in people to develop their potential to lead positive change in farming and food.

Rob Bradley
Rob Bradley

Guy Hebblewhite
Guy Hebblewhite

Kara Knudsen
Kara Knudsen

Johanna Tomlinson
Johanna Tomlinson

Nigel Corish
Nigel Corish