
A general study of agricultural co-operatives

Andrew Barfield - 1998 Scholar

A Holistic approach to the Wool Industry

Kerrie Richards - 1998 Scholar

All aspects of potato production

Russell McKay - 1985 Scholar

Animal welfare within the pork industry and evaluating alternative sow housing systems

Andrew Johnson - 2005 Scholar

Apple & Cheery Growing

Kym Green - 1993 Scholar

A review of sustainable agriculture

Jane Greenslade - 1996 Scholar

A study into the Wool & Sheep Meat Industry & zero Tillage Farms

Bruce Scott - 1983 Scholar

A study of Embryo Transplant in the United Kingdom & Saline Irrigation for Arid Land Farming in Israel

Ashley Severin - 1987 Scholar

A study of red dairy cattle breeds in the United Kingdom & Europe

Malcolm Thompson - 1986 Scholar

A study of research into the Beef Industry & Forage & Fodder Conservation in the United Kingdom

Edgar Hawter - 1984 Scholar

A study of the Grain Legume Industry in the United Kingdom & France

David Shannon - 1987 Scholar

A study of the handling & storage of Grain at high moisture levels in the United Kingdom

Dan Donovan - 1984 Scholar

A study of vegetable production in the United Kingdom

Tony Robertson - 1985 Scholar

A study of Venison Production & Marketing in Europe

John Bignell - 1982 Scholar

Biological Farming and Marketing

Jonathan Shaw - 2005 Scholar

Business Management and Vegetable Seed Production

William Speirs - 1988 Scholar

Capital for Agriculture Marketing our products

Duncan McDonell - 1976 Scholar

Chemical free production of nutrient dense food

Sandra Kirk - 2004 Scholar

Climate change greenhouse and agriculture

David Cattanach - 2005 Scholar

Cool season pulse crops suitable for rotation with rice

Peter Draper - 2004 Scholar

Dairying, markets & marketing

James Anderson - 1999 Scholar

Developments in vegetable production

Bernadette Clarke - 1997 Scholar

Dry matter production and value adding in a semi semi-arid environment

Simon Turnbull - 2005 Scholar

Electronic milking & monitoring in the dairy industry

David Harvey - 1997 Scholar

Export potential for Western Australia & How to attract young people into a career in Agriculture

Ross Woodhouse - 1999 Scholar

Farmers & the supply chain achieving consumer satisfaction

Simon Gubbins - 1997 Scholar

Farming for the triple bottom line

Tim Napier - 2005 Scholar

Feeding Dairy & Beef Cattle. The role of silage marketing & the role of Government

Warren Drynan - 1992 Scholar

Forage, no till seeding systems, new crops, chemicals & fertiliser applications

Brett Roberts - 1999 Scholar

Growing, packaging & marketing of lychees & other sub-tropical fruits, as well as pruning & crop protection methods used to maximise cropping

Chris Hoger - 1998 Scholar

Hemp production, manufacture & marketing. Producers marketing, especially meat, grain, alternatives, diversification & value adding

Tony Lehmann - 1995 Scholar

History of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Community, CAP reform & the impact on global agriculture. The Live Cattle Trade between Australia & Peninsula Malaysia

Michael Sheehy - 1993 Scholar

Horticultural Production and Marketing

Phil Smith - 1989 Scholar

Impact of GATT: implications of environmental pressure on intensive dairy farming

Terry Hehir - 1994 Scholar

Lamb Production, Marketing and Quality Assurance

Graham Clothier - 2005 Scholar

Large Herd Management Labour, Technology, and Freestall Barns

Paul Zuidema - 2005 Scholar

Legume Crops and Pastures, Animal Waste Management and Farm Machinery

Phillip Donges - 1989 Scholar

Lucerne pollination using leaf cutter bees/sustainable agriculture with a balanced living soil

Charlie Hilton - 2004 Scholar

New directions in farming with particular attention to soil treatment

Robert Henry - 1991 Scholar

Prawn farming & aspects of aquaculture

Russell Reid - 1996 Scholar

Production and management of high yielding crops

David Cox - 2005 Scholar

Production & marketing of edible fungi & berry fruits

Peter Cooper - 1994 Scholar

Production & Marketing of grain legumes & broadacre herbs. Wye College Agricultural Business Management Course Farm Aquaculture

Cam McKellar - 1992 Scholar

Protein manipulation of wheat, no till farming systems, risk management in grain marketing, precision farming

Tony Seymour - 1996 Scholar

Rangeland monitoring systems, re-vegetation & rehabilitation techniques

Tim Funston - 1993 Scholar

Report on a visit to France and the United Kingdom

David Raff - 1979 Scholar

Report on a visit to the United Kingdom

Neill Andrew - 1975 Scholar

Report on a visit to the United Kingdom

Richard Harvey - 1966 Scholar

Report on a visit to the United Kingdom

Bert Kelly - 1951 Scholar

Report on a visit to the United Kingdom

Ray Ward - 1974 Scholar

Report on a visit to the United Kingdom

Harry Perkins - 1972 Scholar

Report on a visit to the United Kingdom

Malcolm Cairns - 1976 Scholar

Report on a visit to the United Kingdom

Graham Joppich - 1977 Scholar

Report on a visit to the United Kingdom

Hugh Roberts - 1977 Scholar

Report on a visit to the United Kingdom

Kim Kelly - 1978 Scholar

Report on a visit to the United Kingdom

Michael Bennett - 1979 Scholar

Report on a visit to the United Kingdom

Ian McMichael - 1981 Scholar

Report on a visit to the United Kingdom

Bill Poyton - 1982 Scholar

Report on a visit to the United Kingdom

Chris Hindhaugh - 1982 Scholar

Report on a visit to the United Kingdom

Tim Hutchings - 1983 Scholar

Report on a visit to the United Kingdom

John Fry - 1987 Scholar

Report on a visit to the United Kingdom

Andrew Jones - 1988 Scholar

Report on a visit to the United Kingdom & America

Dennis Hearne - 1981 Scholar

Report on a visit to the United Kingdom and Europe

Helen Murphy - 1996 Scholar

Report on a visit to the United Kingdom & Europe

Geoffrey Cox - 1981 Scholar

Report on a visit to the United Kingdom, Europe, Canada and America

Trevor Day - 1984 Scholar

Report on a visit to the United Kingdom, Europe & Israel

Jim Geltch - 1986 Scholar

Report on Beef, Prime Lamb, Sheep and Cereal Production

David Ross - 1974 Scholar

Soil conservation, straw pulping & wool

Peter Nixon - 1990 Scholar

Soil & plant health

Brendon Smart - 1990 Scholar

Sustainable agrochemical use in viticulture

Elizabeth Riley - 1997 Scholar

Sustainable systems, including farm practices, holistic management programs

Alison Osborne (nee Worsley) - 1997 Scholar

The Dairy Industry, in particular the conservation & use of silage

Max Jelbart - 1991 Scholar

The United Kingdom Lamb industry & the influence of the texel sheep

Duncan McMaster - 1995 Scholar

The use of various producer structures and marketing tools to achieve better supply chain management and price stability

Michael Hastings - 2005 Scholar

Trends in Beef Cattle Breeding

Murray Garnock - 1980 Scholar

Using precision and conservation agriculture to improve farm profits and the environment

Mark Branson - 2005 Scholar

Water medication for livestock production

Michael McKellar - 2004 Scholar

Weed and insect control, beyond pesticides

Mark Modra - 2005 Scholar

Women in Leadership Roles in the Dairy Industry

Sue McGinn - 1999 Scholar

Zero till farming technology & innovation

David Brownhill - 1998 Scholar